Superstitions are rational beliefs characterized by lack of knowledge and logic. Superstitions have existed for centuries and are some of the reasons why many animals are endangered and getting extinct
When a superstition is a good one, humans will hunt wildlife life, domesticate it just to enjoy the benefits of having the wildlife around while a bad superstition will lead to killings of these animals such that they do not appear anywhere near the humans.
Beliefs around snakes are as old as the earth from creation times. It’s believed that the snake played a lead role in the fall of man from the garden of Eden and from hence, generation after generation consider the snake as the evilest creature in the universe. In many communities if you had a dream with a snake featuring in it, you would be considered to be under the devil’s attack. These spiritual superstitions make most Christian believers destroy snakes in their communities even if they are not harmful.
Just like human beings, wild animals have feelings to. The way you treat a wild animal is the way it reacts to you. Wild animals harm human beings as a defensive mechanism. As long humans work to protect the wild animal habitats, earth shall have very few of incidences of wild animals encroaching on human habitats. Its however, imperative that humans drop all the beliefs they have about wild animals in a bid to have them extinct.
If we continue attacking wild animals and their habitats, soon we shall have an imbalanced ecological system. Most wild animals help in reducing pests that attack crops in farms. For example, Pangolins are very useful ant eaters saving us pests which could cause famine.
Another awful superstition has been about owls. In Africa for example, if an owl howls around a house in the middle of the night or early morning, it’s a sign that someone in the vicinity is going to die. This has resulted into owls being endangered species.
The real facts about owls howling at night are either about protection or attracting a mate. Owls tend to protect their territories from other owls by howling at night. Also, in a bid to attract mates, owls will howl to get attention. Most Owls are nocturnal animals and that’s why they choose to hoot at night.
Subsequently, superstitions regarding many wild animals are due to lack of knowledge on the subject matter. When humans fail to find solutions to the uncontrollable natural events they resort to relating the misfortune to the wild animals. Many cultures, nations have different superstitions about various animals.
As Eden conserve, our mandate is to change the attitudes of humans towards wildlife. We would like humans to appreciate wildlife and let them be wild.
What superstitions exist in your country or community? Share your thoughts in the comment section or send us an email