Which Pangolin are you?

Animals Have Feelings Too! Play Game to find out which Pangolin You are most likely Related to.
Which Pangolin are you?
Question 1 of 5.
Do you love trying different food types?

Yes, I can eat anything

Not sure, I am so selective with food

Sometimes, I avoid to adventure in foods for fear of allergies

I only eat one kind of food
Question 2 of 5.
Would you build your own house or buy an already built house?

I would build my own house

I would buy already built house
Question 3 of 5.
I would describe myself as!

Very Small



Very Big
Question 4 of 5.
My Ideal home is!

Surrounded by trees

In hilly Places

Around water

I can live Anywhere
Question 5 of 5.
I like to be surrounded by people

I strongly agree, I always surround myself with as many people as I can!

I agree, a few friends are enough to keep my mood!

I disagree, I love being around a few chosen people

I strongly disagree, I love spending time alone!